This coliving is a place to stop.
To connect.
To dedicate time to yourself.
To focus on your professional life, personal development, and endeavors.
We will allocate time, resources, and space for your professional growth, enabling you to enhance your personal abilities and fortify your fundamental strength through physical exercise, yoga, nature walks, hikes, or bike rides.
We provide shared professional sessions, conversation skills in English, Spanish, and Catalan, and session physiotherapists (including reflexology and pelvic floor restoration).
We offer a comprehensive strategy to address your professional development from a holistic standpoint.
Note that the house is located in the beautiful town of Sant Boi de Lluçanes in the rural heart of Catalunya.
At Mas Pujols we offer a move-in-ready home within a diverse, active community. Embracing global individuals with a zest for life. Our residents range from digital nomads to professionals and entrepreneurs, eager to share knowledge, skills and experiences to enrich themselves and others.
We offer a space to work, a place to relax, to connect as well as disconnect, to heal and grow professionally and personally. We want to help our residents to find balance between work and personal development.
The house is located in the beautiful town of Sant Boi de Lluçanes, in the rural heart of Catalunya. SBL is conveniently located 1.15 minutes from Costa Brava, Barcelona, and 2 hours from France and Andorra by car.
SBL is a small town with an amazing amount of public amenities: swimming pools, Padel courts, libraries, cultural centres, football courts, basket courts, gym sessions, and more. We also have electric chargers for cars, caravan parking, an award-winning bread shop, and restaurants.
But the best of all is the access to hiking routes: short ones to Font de la Prada, steep ones to El Munts, long ones to Gorg Negre, and endless outstanding natural destinations to connect with nature and the body.
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