Um es kurz und bündig zu machen: Unser Ziel ist es, ein hochwertiges Lifestyle-Erlebnis zu bieten, das Geist, Körper und Seele bereichert. Bedeutungsvolle Verbindungen, gesunde Routinen und leidenschaftliche Projekte. Das ist es, worum es uns geht. Wir stellen uns einen Raum vor, in dem sich Fachleute, Kreative und Abenteurer gleichermaßen treffen und ihr Wissen, ihre Ideen und ihre Leidenschaften miteinander teilen können.
Der Satz, den wir kürzlich hörten und der uns gefiel, war "ein Google-Komplex-Vibe".
Die Zeiten ändern sich, und wir möchten die bestmöglichen Einrichtungen, Aktivitäten und Gemeinschaften anbieten, um Ihren Aufenthalt hier zu maximieren.
Ausstattung: 2000 m2 Land, eine 500 m2 große Villa, eine voll ausgestattete Küche, Coworking-Räume drinnen und draußen, ein Tagungsraum, Chillout-Bereiche, eine Dachterrasse, ein Schwimmbad, ein Grillplatz, ein Gemüsebeet und ein privater Parkplatz.
Aktivitäten: Wandern, Sprachaustausch, Yoga, Meditation, Ausflüge, Workouts, Kochworkshops, Schreinerei-Workshops, Gartenworkshops, Pop-up-Events, Filmabende, Spieleabende, Weinproben, Kaffeeverkostungen, Tapas-Touren, etc.
Lassen Sie uns wissen, worauf Sie Lust haben, und wir werden versuchen, es möglich zu machen!
The importance of community cannot be overstated. We are looking for people who are open-minded, friendly, growth-minded, and peaceful. Joining us is like having a cheat code that allows you to be instantaneously incorporated into Valencian society if you so desire. Through organized events and activities that can be chosen and discussed freely and organically, you will be able to connect with both internationals and locals. Do you want to help us co-create some amazing experiences? Phillip, your host, is a young entrepreneur who arranges epic treks with local musicians that include acoustic concerts on regional mountain summits, as well as an English/Spanish language exchange with the goal of getting to know people, ideas, and places in Valencia better.
La Cañada is a very peaceful suburb on the outskirts of Valencia, just a 15-minute drive from the city center, with everything you may need: restaurants, shops, gyms, pharmacies, bakeries, hairdressers, metro stations, etc.
Just down the road, we have the nearest and largest forest area to the city of Valencia: La Vallesa. It is ideal for jogging, going for a walk, mountain biking, or even swimming in the river Turia.
Our favorite thing about living here is the peace and quiet. It’s only when you leave the hustle and bustle of the city that you realize how nice it is to sleep in complete silence or to have your morning coffee in the garden whilst reading a book.
Also, the metro stop La Vallesa has recently been moved closer to our property, so it is now just a 10-minute walk away. This means that you can get to the center of Valencia by metro in 40 minutes.
If you have a vehicle, which we highly recommend, it’s safe to park outside the house as we are on a quiet residential street.
If you don’t have your own vehicle, here are our solutions:
1) Every co-liver will have access to a bike.
This way, you can move around the area freely to get to the shops, restaurants, or metro stop that is just a 10-minute walk away (a 4-minute bike ride).
2) We can help you find a good car/motorbike rental deal.
3) If planned with enough time, we can take you to or pick you up from Valencia if our timetables align and/or we have organized something together.
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